Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Bitbucket Squash Button plugin

  1. Service Availability:
    • The Bitbucket Squash Button plugin will strive to maintain a minimum uptime of 99% during normal operation, excluding scheduled maintenance periods.
    • Scheduled maintenance windows will be communicated to users in advance, whenever possible.
  2. Support Response Time:
    • Support requests related to the Bitbucket Squash Button plugin will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt during regular business days.
    • The initial response will include an estimated time for issue resolution or further communication for complex cases.
    • Critical issues affecting the functionality of the plugin will be given the highest priority.
  3. Bug Fixes and Updates:
    • The Bitbucket Squash Button plugin will receive regular updates and bug fixes to ensure compatibility with the latest Bitbucket Server versions and address reported issues.
    • Bug fixes for critical issues that impact the core functionality of the plugin will be prioritized and resolved within a reasonable timeframe.
  4. Data Security and Privacy:
    • The Bitbucket Squash Button plugin will handle user data in accordance with industry best practices and applicable privacy laws.
    • User data collected by the plugin will not be shared with third parties without explicit user consent.
  5. Service Outages and Remedies:
    • In the event of a service outage or significant disruption to the functionality of the Bitbucket Squash Button plugin, reasonable efforts will be made to restore service promptly.
    • If an outage persists beyond a defined period, users may be eligible for partial refund or extension of the subscription period, as determined by the plugin developer.